Our ministry connections around the world:

Thailand - The ministries of Lorna Avenido and Rico Robedillo and their families as they minister in Bangkok.


Serbia - Eastern Europe has been in our hearts since the first ministry trip to Romania and Hungary. Today we work with Pastors Isador Bajic, Viktor Szabo and Attila Hollo in Serbia.


Taiwan - Ministering with nationals throughout this Buddhist nation, our goal is to strengthen and equip local churches and ministries.


Israel’s West Bank - We work with Jonathan and Hilda Esawi as they pastor a church in Bethlehem, teach in Bethlehem Bible College and administer humanitarian aid through the Lydia Foundation.


United Kingdom - We work closely with the Reynards and Cheddar Valley Community Church as we go together into the harvest fields of Europe and the USA.


Zimbabwe - We are linked together with David Beevers and Hope Unlimited as they plant and equip churches in the African bush.


The Philippines - We have worked with Good News Ministries, based in Lucena City, from its beginnings in 1980. They have established hundreds of churches in the Philippines and sent missionaries to other countries.


France - We work with churches in Brittany and Normandy.


Turkey – Salih and Joyce Kurtbas in the most unreached country in the world, especially as their church ministers to refugees from Iran, Iraq and Syria.